Groundshub App //

The Task →

Tasked with creating an app that solves a problem that involves a product, I decided to address the need for coffee on a campus that isn’t relatively time friendly to students on a time crunch.

Creating a community-oriented, coffee delivery app, with a focus on local coffee shops near the user, Groundshub’s goal is to make coffee delivery more accessible, by making it exclusive to only coffee; while also socializing the coffee experience in the age of social media. Development of this project is still under process!

Ideation →

An insight into my ideation process of finding a problem I am passionate about, and brainstorming how to problem-solve through the functions of the app. After identifying 5 ethos to represent the feel and mission of the brand, I started sketching logos to accurately represent what I wanted, and what responded best with peers.

After the logo creation, I was able to narrow down on the specific issues with ordering coffee in busy urban areas, and college campuses. Lastly, my original sketched user journey map of what the app will consist off (for it’s early version) is shown!

Low-Fi Frames →

High-Fi Frames →